1. Maggie is NOT excited to move. She just lays around the house moping from room to room and is acting very strange to it all.

2, Sometimes I find myself doing something that really I shouldn't be but it just makes me happy in that moment so I do it anyways...
Like organizing the hangers by color when they are all going to get thrown in a box in a day.
3. I have MANY socks that don't have matches... Although since I took that picture 3 pairs have been reunited. They were in really random spots around the house. Like in a box at the top of my closet and in a pile of Michael's shirts in his drawers...

I found a jackpot of socks a (and underwear) behind the dryer which was awesome!
4. I found it to be really sad to pack up my craft stuff because that meant I couldn't craft for the next month...
5. Magaret Anne Frank McMaggerton is going on 3 boxes for her stuff.... It's a little ridiculous. I must admit.

6. I have a lot of stuff to give/give back to a lot of people. Hopefully they will all come to our goodbye party.

7. Our house is full of boxes and we haven't packed the kitchen, the bathroom or the shed yet... :( SUPER SAD FACE!

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