It seemed like a normal night in the Perry household. In Lafayette, the city of all white, rich people, where nothing ever happens. Who knew that this was one night that the Perrys did not have to go far for adventure.
I was in my brothers room on the computer when all of a sudden my mom comes in the room and tells us that we need to lock all the doors and windows immediately. Apparently, as she was driving home there was a parked cop car that was blocking off the street and forbidding anyone to pass through. My mom explained that she lived two houses away and the cop said to go straight to her house and make sure all the doors and windows are locked because there is an armed and dangerous suspect in the area!
As we are walking around the house and lock every door and window, my parents begin to turn off all the lights and we notice there are helicopters with spotlights shining in our neighbors and our front and backyards. We all gather towards the windows and watch the police begin to accumulate across the street in our neighbors front yard. Police dogs are sniffing around in the bushes and the police have a flashlight and their guns drawn while circling the area.
My brothers got their baseball bats out (I think just so they could feel cool) and we all watched intently out the bedroom window. It was seriously like out of an episode of Cops! We watched for about 30 minutes the police and dogs and then all of a sudden the police began leaving and the helicopters disappeared!
We got really nervous now because now there was no one around to protect our neighborhood. My mom called the police and they confirmed there was one or MORE suspect(s) in the area and the police were leaving to look in other areas for him (or them).
We waited, listened and watched outside and hoped we would not see anyone in our yard! Then all of a sudden 3 police cars came out from No where and swooped into the driveway across the street!! The police dogs jump out of the car and tackle a man that appears out of the bushes dressed in all black! The policemen follow and wrestle the man to the ground. They got the guy!
It was crazy! This all happened right in front of our house and we watched it all go down. The neighbors were calling us to ask what happened and the police stayed outside looking for other suspects for another few hours. But there ended up being no more suspects to capture (thank goodness).
Just another night in the Perry household! :)
1 comment:
Whoah, cool!
That is exciting.
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