I have decided that I really don't like the push down water faucets that are in public restrooms. You know the ones that if you push for 2 seconds the water doesn't even last until you cease pushing and put you hands underneath the spout. Then you hold it down for 10 seconds and it still doesn't last enough time to get all the soap off your hands. Sure, they are supposed to conserve water but I don't think the whales would mind helping a girl out with soapy and nasty bathroom hands.
I guess the next worst kind of faucet are the twist water faucets where you have to hold the twist in order to get any droplets. You have soapy hands and clean one while holding the twist with the other, and then you have to get your "clean hand", dirty (which now has soap leftovers from touching the faucet). It's an endless cycle of soapy and germy lameness. I am not a fan.
I am in full favor of remodeling all public bathrooms to "automatics". These are my favorite kinds of bathrooms, but usually only exist in nice hotels, US airports and fancy restaurants. The doors, sinks, water faucets, toilets, paper towel dispensers are all awesomely automatic. Everything just works at the wave of a hand and it is a beautiful thing. I think they need to implement a automatic toilet paper releaser! OOOh! I could be a millionaire with this idea.