I DID THE TRIATHALON! I FINISHED! So amazing... I couldn't beleive it myself! And I couldn't have done it without my sister in law and most amazing friend BECKY! whoop whoop!
Here are my stats:
Swim 00:13:24.0 (my favorite part of the whole event)
Transition 1 00:05:38.4 (I got REALLY dizzy after the swim so I had to take it easy so I wouldn't fall over right when I got on the bike)
Bike 01:32:33.3 (time posted online is 20 minutes more due to bad luck with Becky's bike tire which we had to fix before we could continue the race!)
T2 00:00:16.2 (record timing! especially when your brother and fiance pick up your bike for you!)
Run 00:53:28.1 I would not have survived the run without Becky! She was my little encourager and it was so amazing to have her there! I couldn't believe she waited for me to start her run and we even passed 5 people! I totally slowed her down on the run but we totally kicked butt together! GOO TEAM PERRY!
Finish = about 2 hours and 38 minutes!!! SO EXCITING! I finished! It was a miracle!
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