Wednesday, April 2, 2008

High school group tonight

Tonight at high school group we discussed how we as men and women are wonderfully made by God. In our small group we discussed one thing we like about ourselves and one thing we don’t like about ourselves. Some girls couldn’t think of something they liked about themselves but everyone could think of something (or more than one thing) that was “wrong” about them. I just thought this was really interesting.

Why can’t we as Christians be more confident in how God made us. Why can’t we see that God loves us EXACTLY how we are and we don’t need to be skinnier or larger or more outgoing or less talkative. But instead we can use those things to glorify God! Like by being confident in our skin we can show other girls it’s ok to have the body God gave you and be content and happy with how God made us. Others will see that confidence and wonder what is different. Without even saying much, it is apparent that God is good and he loves everything about us. And this has a purpose! That we can love others the way he love us! So really by self doubting ourselves, putting ourselves down, not being confident in who God made us... We can’t fulfill what God has for us. We’re missing out in what God has for us and others are missing out because of it too! It’s kind of like that saying, “You can’t love others until you love yourself.”

All this talk reminded me of this verse...
Psalm 139:17 How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand.

Our thoughts are so intimate and private. And to think that God cares and thinks every thought is precious seems amazing to me. So I can’t imagine what God thinks about when he “hears” our thoughts of self doubting and dissatisfaction.

How disappointing it would be for me to create something and then my creation told me or thought to itself that it hated how I made it. How frustrated and saddened would I feel if my creation didn’t use those talents or abilities I gave it because it didn’t like that aspect of themselves.

I have had several conversations with women (both high school and my age) where they have mentioned how when they are following Christ and confident in who God made them, that life seems easier, happier and they see Christ working through them. By not having the angry front or changing for the guy to make him happy or comparing ourselves to the prettier girls they are being used by God and fulfilling their purpose!

So I think that’s all... I can stop ranting and raving now. :)